onsdag 24. oktober 2012

Fantasy anemones

I have not been so "productive" lately. Here are some quickly painted fantasy anmones I made a couple a weeks ago, just for the sake to get some colours on the paper! What is quite interesting is that what seems to be a disaster when it is still wet and fresh can turn into something interesting when the pigments have dried.

Today, I received a book I have ordered. It is called "Finding your visual voice" - and I am quite thrilled with the book after having read the first chapter!! As I on a daily basis work as a scientist I am far too used to having to use my left side of the brain and to achieve results after certains standards etc. Here is a quote from the book that is a good reminder for me: "Your visual voice is intuitive, not intellectual or concsiously guided by reason."

The first chapter is about becoming aware of whether you get your inspiration primarily  from your external surroundings or from your internal imaginations, emotions etc. And I have the last half an hour just realised that my source of inspiration is actually internal! I wasn`t aware of that, can you believe!

I think this is a good book for me! I will come back to it later.

2 kommentarer:

  1. These anemones are beautiful, Sissel! Sounds like an interesting book, I'll try to find it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you very much for your comments!
