onsdag 28. august 2013

Fantasy flower

I have painted this early in the mornings before I have to go to the office, one bit at a time through several days. I tend to spoil a painting if I rush to finnish it, and so I need a lot of time, most often many days, to work on a painting. I used an earlier drawing I have made for inspiration for the flower, but from there the painting developed itself, and for some reason the flower wanted to grow right out of a branch. So then it turned out like this. I might still work a little bit more on two of the petals at the right which need a little bit more contrast. The painting is relatively big, about 40x60 cm, painted on Arches 300g hot pressed paper.

mandag 5. august 2013

Sunrise at the pier

Unfortunately, the photo doesn't show very well the nice effect of the sunlight around the cloud that actually makes this painting. At first, I was about to throw this one as I couldn' get the foreground interesting. So I just took a bigger brush and made a couple of bold strokes - and all of a sudden a pier and waves hitting the rocks appeared.

torsdag 1. august 2013


Thunderstorm, Arches 300 g, 17 x 26 cm
I am exploring watercolour wet in wet these days. I want to combine the softness achieved by wet-in wet tecniques with hard lines and undefined shapes to create contrast and tickle the imagniation of the viewer.