torsdag 30. april 2015


Acrylic and oil on canvas, 18x24 cm.

A couple on a beach I guess, but the ambience between them is ambiguous.

I have made a similar painting previous, but I wanted to explore the two figures again to see what happened. It is always exciting to se how a painting unfolds as I don´t know myself before I start painting.

søndag 19. april 2015

Harbour scene

Acrylics and oil on painting, 18x24 cm, no title.

I have been working on some larger paintings lately, but focusing again on these small format paintings is just so satisfying as you actually get to finish them in a day or two or so.

This one I started yesterday, I just started with some yellow and orange underpaint and had no concrete plan other than possibly a house-theme again. For a long time there were a mountain in the horizon on this painting, but it eventually had to go as it was disturbing to the composition.

Again I have to say I am surprisesd by the stringency that I am about to develop in my paintings.? It stands in contrast to my watercolour paintings I made just a year ago which were pretty loosely painted. But I choose to go with the flow and paint in the style that kind of feels right right now, allthough I cannot explain where this drive to paint minimalistic and abstract landscape paintings comes from.

As every painting is a surprise to myself, I am not only a painter but also a curious observer of the finnished pieces. And to me this painting is again a kind of a harbour-scene with the ocean lying still, and perhaps it is in the middle of the night and the moon is shining?

lørdag 18. april 2015

Colours and summer are coming

Acrylic and oil on canvas, 18x24 cm, no title.

Very surprising colours! As I did not have any plan when I started this small daily painting, I just went with the flow and kind of followed what I saw might be possible solutions as I painted. For example, the two green blocks there, that was just some lines from the underpaint, and I just thought they might do something for the composition. Then I got the association of trees, and now they might represent abstracted trees - or something else for another viewer. To me the painting turned out a summer landscape, a house beside a harbour and the bright sun shining. The colours and the shapes look almost like the small children´s building blocks.

To me, this exploring journey as I paint, not knowing myself which shapes and which colours will "appear" is what excites me! And sometimes it really surprises me - I don´t see my self as attracted to neither cubism nor naivism, but that is what appears on the canvas!?

søndag 12. april 2015

Trying out another style

Acrylic and oil on canvas, 24x32 cm, not title.

Trying out another style. This painting is inspired by the Norwegian artist Kenneth Blom, you can see his work here

I am a bit fed up with working on this painting, to much fiddling, it doesn´t suit me. I´m not patient enough. I still see parts of the painting that need some adjustments. I think the act of painting in this style would work far better with a big format.

The interesting part to me is that this painting started out with two figures and then no plan. Then it evolved to this somewhat mysterious image, so I don´t know myself what´s the story here.

lørdag 11. april 2015

House in the night

Oil on canvas, 18x24 cm, no title.

A daily painting painted in one day. Normally I just paint and see what happens, what appears on the canvas, with hardly any plan in advance. But this image appeared in my mind after I went to bed the other evening, so it was just to paint it out on the canvas.

søndag 5. april 2015

Farm on a steep hill

Acrylics and oil on canvas, 18x24 cm.

A true daily painting, painted all together today.

torsdag 2. april 2015

Back to houses

Oil on canvas, 65x80 cm, no title.

The colours looks a little bit different on the photo than on the painting, e.g. the blue house on the left side isn´t quite that blue on the painting. There are also some reflections from the oil paint that mess up the photo. I will se if I can take a better photo another day. I will perhaps also adjust a little bit on the painting itself.