Sommervalmuer...snart er sommeren her. Summer poppies... it is summer, soon.
To nærbilder av detaljer fra bildet. Jeg hadde glede av å male dette. Malte kronbladene ett og ett denne gangen, til forskjell fra en mer løs og flytende stil. Mens bakgrunnen og blomsterknoppen ble til ved rennende pigmenter.
Two close-ups of details from the painting. It was joyful painting this motive, with the vibrant colours of the poppy. I painted the petals one by one this time, in stead of the loose style of Jean Haines, which I admire, but don`t master yet. Oh! And by the way - I am going to attend a work-shop with her this summer!!! I got it as a very pleasantly surprising birthday gift from my wonderful man a few days ago. :) That will be sooo exciting!!
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